Last seen 3 weeks ago

Photographer Mario Sánchez Guerra


Last seen 3 weeks ago

Maracaibo, Venezuela 

8 years on MyWed
I can speak spanish. Maracaibo, Venezuela Mario Sánchez Guerra +58 414-6444068


  • Are you photogenic?

    que lo diga quien ve mi foto

  • How did you get in the photography industry?

    Por que me gusta perseguir los momentos que inspiran

  • What are the most important components of a good photo in your opinion?

    la Iluminación la Composición estar atento a los momentos

  • Do you love traveling?


  • What do you like most about your profession?

    el poder Crear

  • What do you like least about your profession?

    Trabajar de Noche

  • What will be the future of photography?

    un caso de estudio

  • What is special in the photography genre you specialise at?

    Las emociones

  • How do you handle criticism?

    con un Terapeuta

  • Are there any trends in photography?

    Si lo espontaneo y Natural

  • What should be the criteria for a customer to choose a photographer?

    Su portafolio y su personalidad

  • What things are to be avoided when shooting?

    todo es Valido siempre y cuando respeta los valores y principios

  • What details that usually pass unnoticed can a photographer notice?

    la experiencia ayuda a desarrollar las posición futura

  • What influences the value of a photo? What are its elements?

    la experiencia y el costo para hacerla mas el nivel de produccion

  • What person can be the symbol of the 21st century in your opinion?

    el Papa Francisco

  • Who do you want to take photos of?

    Al Papa Francisco

  • Do you have any professional taboos?


  • Who would you like to shoot with?

    Kim Kardashian

  • What do you worry about, and why?

    la inseguridad de mi Pais

  • What is the most impressive moment in your life?

    El Nacimiento de mis Hijos

  • If you were a cartoon, book or movie character, who would you be and why?

    Raton Mickey

  • Who inspires you in your life and why?

    Mis hijos verlos dia a dia creciendo

  • How do you define success? How do you measure it?

    Grado de felicidad y confor

  • Would you rather be liked or respected?

    Sentirme respetado

  • What is the biggest mistake you have ever made at work?

    Borrar un Disco Duro con Varias Bodas pero al final las recupere

  • When you're going to travel, what do you take with you and why?

    el Celular par mantener contacto y estar informado

  • Is there anything among your gadgets that you wish you haven't bought? Why?

    De Ninguno

  • How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

    preparación diaria leer escuchar musica

  • Whose work has influenced you most as a photographer?

    De Mi padre y Madre

  • What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

    Canon o Nikkon Jajajajajaja

  • What do you want to say with your photographs?

    contar una Historia registar momentos

  • What motivates you to continue taking pictures?

    el poder Crear

  • Should your parents have been more or less strict?

    lo fueron

  • If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

    Estudiaría Artes

  • What about life on other planets?

    Que están muy lejos

  • Who are your heroes?

    Los que trabajan por los demas dia a dia

  • Who do you have no respect for?

    Siento respeto por el Projimo

  • What do you do in your spare time?


  • What's the side of you that the public never sees?

    No lo conozco

  • When are you completely satisfied with your work?


  • Do you believe in the traditional roles for men and women?


  • Do you make friends easily?


  • Where would you like to live?

    En Orlando Florida

  • What's the stupidest thing you've ever agreed to do?


  • Is there life after marriage?

    Si muy compleja

  • Do you have a favourite joke? Tell us.

    Canon o Nikkon jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

  • Do you like dogs or cats?

    Los Perros

  • Who or what do you hate?

    A nadie y nada

  • The best thing in life is:

    La Familia

  • The most annoying thing in life is:

    El desorden

  • Is there anything around you that you would like to change?


  • What would you like to change in yourself?

    Mi mal humor ya trabajando en eso

  • What would you like to change in the world?

    La pobreza Mental

  • Can you give a few tips for photographers who are just starting out?

    Que estudien que trabajen y busque cada dia los momentos magicos que se dejen llaver por su instinto

  • If aliens come to the Earth and you are the first person they meet, what will you tell them?

    Canon o Nikkon Jajajajajajajaja Bienvenidos Jajajajajaja

  • If you are called to shoot a movie, what genre will it be?


  • Tomorrow I will go and do...
