Naposledy viděn před 2 týdny

Fotograf Siemenjov Galdes


Naposledy viděn před 2 týdny

Valletta, Malta PRO

4 roky na MyWed
Hovořím těmito jazyky: angličtina, italština Valletta, Malta Siemenjov Galdes +356 9982 0890


  • Jste fotogeničtí?

    Only when I am not trying to be :)

  • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

    By pure coincidence and being in the right place at the right time. My first wedding was in 2012 and the rest as they say is history.

  • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

    Some old school photographers would say technique, composition, verticles etc. I think all the mentioned techniques are important however the moment and the framing for me are key.

  • Cestujete rádi?

    I can't get enough of it ;)

  • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

    Travelling, meeting new people and being able to tell a story through pictures.

  • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

    To be honest I never thought much about this. In all fairness I can't think of anything else except the long hours.

  • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

    Wedding photography is increasingly becoming more expressive and photographers around the world have pushed the bounderies and the art to scary new heights. I cannot say, though I am really curious to find out.

  • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

    Emotions! Not all weddings have it, but the ones who do, make it special beyond words.

  • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

    There is always something new to learn and good solid constructive criticism helps us become better and challange our routines. I am always eager to get feedback and I hope I can keep improving upon it.

  • Jsou nějaké trendy v oblasti focení?

    ohhh yes! I think you see changing trends mostly depending on the country and continent.

  • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

    I can answer this because I myself was a groom not long ago. I looked for a photographer who cares, someone who knows documentary photography and someone that is not afraid to get the best out of us on the wedding day. We actually enjoyed our day more thanks to the photographer we chose! I knew exactly what he would deliver before I even booked him.

  • Co není dovoleno při focení?

    Forget your phone, e-mails, messages and all distractions. Most importantly avoid going un-prepared.