Naposledy viděn před 2 dny

Fotograf Jason Clavey


Naposledy viděn před 2 dny

Ayia Napa, Kypr 

5 lety na MyWed
Hovořím těmito jazyky: angličtina Ayia Napa, Kypr Jason Clavey +357 99 296887


  • Za prvé a především – koho můžete jmenovat jako nejlepšího fotografa ve vašem městě? :)

    There are a lot of great photographers in Ayia Napa... A lot of bad ones too! I couldn't pick 1 best but I could pick a handfull!

  • Jste fotogeničtí?

    I don't believe so! It's why I prefer to be on the other side of the camera!

  • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

    I started out as a nightlife photographer. I was asked to do a few family weddings, then a few friend's weddings and then I bit the bullet and decided to go full time!

  • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

    There are far too many elements that make a good photo! but the two at the top of my rule book are lighting and composition. If you can master those then the rest follows!

  • Cestujete rádi?

    I LOVE travelling. I just don't get to do much of it! haha

  • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

    Client's reactions when they see the photos. It's one of the best "Feel Good" moments in a photographer's career!

  • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

    'Scuse my language... but the b*tchiness... between other photographers. At the end of the day business is business. but some people will go to great lengths to put others down. It's not great.

  • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

    on an iPhone.

  • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

    It's fast paced, spontaneous at times and you need to be versatile with your ability to shoot in ANY situation!

  • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

    I grow from it.

  • Jsou nějaké trendy v oblasti focení?

    Of course! but as photographers we try to do things differently.

  • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

    PHOTOS! forget about price for a minute. this is the single most important part of your day that you will have for generations! research your photographer and make sure they are up to the standard you want!

  • Co není dovoleno při focení?

    Having uncle bob standing in front of me during the first kiss taking a photo on his iphone

  • Jakých detailů, které obvykle projdou bez povšimnutí, si může fotograf všimnout?


  • Co ovlivňuje hodnotu fotografie? Jaké jsou její prvky?

    a photo that tells a story, or shows an emotion which can trigger a memory. those are the best.

  • Kdo může být podle vás symbolem 21. století?

    I couldn't name one. but they are all artists!

  • Co chcete fotit?

    I'd love to shoot a royal wedding. purely for the criticism of the photos.

  • Máte nějaké profesní tabu?

    In this day and age, anything goes in photography.

  • S kým byste chtěli fotit?

    Someone with a lot of character

  • Čeho se bojíte a proč?

    I try not to worry about things. Worrying never helps situations, try to think positively!

  • Jaký byl nejpůsobivější okamžik ve vašem životě?

    Moving my life to Cyprus. If I stayed in the UK I wouldn't be who I am today.

  • Pokud byste byli animovaná, literární nebo filmová postava, kdo byste byli a proč?

    I'd love to have the creative abilities of August Rush

  • Kdo vás inspiruje ve vašem životě a proč?

    My dad. He always supported me with any choice in life. He never pushed my to get a "real job" and he supported my education choices musically and photographically.

  • Jak byste definovali úspěch? Jak ho měříte?

    Success to me is looking back and seeing how far you have come.

  • Byli byste raději oblíbení nebo respektovaní?

    Respect in my opinion. You don't have to like someone to respect them, and I think everybody deserves respect in some way.

  • Jaká je největší chyba, kterou jste kdy v práci udělali?

    Not becoming a wedding photographer sooner!

  • Když cestujete, co si berete s sebou a proč?

    My camera of course! To keep those amazing memories!

  • Existuje něco, co byste si byli raději nekoupili z vašich pomůcek, které vlastníte? A proč?

    I'm a geek! I love devices and I don't regret any of my purchases!

  • Jak se vzděláváte, abyste pořidili lepší fotografie?

    I am always looking back on my work and trying to find ways to improve. What could I have done differently which would have made that photo better.

  • Čí práce vás ovlivnila nejvíce jako fotografa?

    I've always loved Annie Leibovitz's work. Ever since I started photography!

  • Jedna věc, kterou byste si přáli vědět, když jste začínali s focením?

    How much money it costs to be a photographer!

  • Co byste rádi řekli skrze vaše fotografie?

    Natural moments are the best. don't try to be something you're not, let the picture tell the true story.

  • Co vás motivuje v dalším focení?

    Like I said before, the reaction of my clients when I deliver the photos. the smiles on their faces and the amazing comments and reviews they leave me on my website. As long as that keeps happening, I will continue shooting.

  • Měli vaši rodiče být méně nebo více přísní?

    My parents were great! I was always creative as a child. I played music since I was 5. I was playing in 6 different bands when I was 14. and I was the principal of percussion in an orchestra when I was 16. My parents supported my creativity, and my music! I wouldn't be doing what I do if it wasn't for their support!

  • Pokud byste se mohli vrátit v čase, co byste udělali jinak?

    I would probably keep my music and photography more balanced. I feel now I am more involved with photography and my music is taking a back seat for now.

  • Co o životě na ostatních planetách?

    for sure!

  • Kdo jsou vaši hrdinové?

    My family and friends. I can't respect anyone more than them!

  • Pro koho nemáte žádný respekt?

    Everybody deserves respect in their own way. some more than others, but everyone deserves some respect.

  • Co děláte ve svém volném čase?

    Listening to music, sight seeing and a good movie now and again.

  • Jakou vaši tvář nikdy neuvidí veřejnost?

    my soft side.

  • Kdy jste zcela spokojeni s vaší prací?

    I'm never 100% satisfied. I'm always looking for ways to improve. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad!

  • Věříte v tradiční role mužů a žen?

    I believe in equality. If you think you can do something nobody should have the right to say no.

  • Získáváte snadno nové přátele?

    I try to, I believe it's better to make friends than enemies.

  • Kde byste rádi žili?

    Probably somewhere closer to my family but with weather like Cyprus.

  • Co je ta nejhloupější věc, na kterou jste kdy přistoupili?

    I'm a male. there are too many silly things I've done in my life. most of them involved alcohol!

  • Existuje život po svatbě?

    of course!

  • Máte oblíbený vtip? Povězte nám ho.

    A man walks into a bar,

  • Máte rádi psy a kočky?

    I've always been a dog lover. but I now have a cat so I guess both!

  • Koho nebo co nenávidíte?

    People in high power.

  • Nejlepší věc v životě je:

    Everyone in it!

  • Nejotravnější věc v životě je:

    wondering how long it lasts.

  • Existuje něco, co byste chtěli změnit?

    Not much, I'm quite happy

  • Co byste chtěli změnit na sobě?

    I'd put some more hair on my head haha

  • Co byste chtěli změnit ve světě?


  • Máte nějaké tipy pro začínající fotografy?

    Take criticism and work from it. Never think you are better than anyone, we are all learning. And always look to improve on your work.

  • Kdyby přišli na naši planetu mimozemšťané a vy byste byli první osobou, se kterou se potkají, co byste jim řekli?

    "do you speak human"

  • Pokud byste měli natočit film, jakého žánru by byl?

    Comedy or a good fantasy/scifi

  • Zítra půjdu a udělám...

    Editing Editing Editing!