Naposledy online před dlouhou dobou

Fotograf Eugene Nyathi


Naposledy online před dlouhou dobou

Quatre Bornes, Mauricius 

8 lety na MyWed
Hovořím těmito jazyky: angličtina
Quatre Bornes, Mauricius Eugene Nyathi +230 5252 1155


  • Jste fotogeničtí?

    Hahaha ... when I take the photo "yes" but when someone else take the photo nope!!

  • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

    I needed a hobby to relieve me from a stress filled life. I needed to do something that wasn't "work" ....

  • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

    The emotion of the photo ... its voice, what it says!

  • Cestujete rádi?

    O yes....and boy do i travel...haven't done the Asian countries yet but am sure one day I will .... am waiting for an opportunity to travel again to Paris...been there before but long ago and without a camera then.

  • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

    Meeting people .... especially new people, they all have their own unique story.

  • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

    Making a decision to choose between 2 similar photographs!!

  • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

    It will always be to make people happy.

  • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

    The ability to be a part of two people who are starting out together ... being trusted to record that memory.

  • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

    Its never easy to be criticised ... I however ask myself what is the purpose of the criticism. I learn through being encouraged, infact I grow leaps and bounds when I am encouraged but criticism has the same effect for me. So I may drag my lip for a day but soon I rise up and keep walking.

  • Jsou nějaké trendy v oblasti focení?

    Yes there are....trends are fine, but I prefer classic styles that remain because trends come and go and I believe the foundation of my photography must be based on the clear basic photography truths.

  • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

    A photographer who they click with ... you can't say "this pathetic, useless, unreliable photographer did our wedding and did these beautiful photos....the photographer becomes part of the memory.

  • Co není dovoleno při focení?

    It all depends on which part of the shoot I am doing...I communicate verbally when its needed but I don't allow myself to be a chatter box... I don't chew gum when shooting either....or headphones during shooting, evening answering calls or, no, no.

  • Jakých detailů, které obvykle projdou bez povšimnutí, si může fotograf všimnout?

    That moment when the bride walks in and the grooms face lights up...everyone at that moment is fixed on the bride but there is of course the groom, the parents, watching their daughter walking down that aisle. The detail of the wedding gown and all the accessories that come with it. As a photographer, I have been behind the scenes with the couple to I am aware of their challenges up to this moment and very emotion at that moment makes sense.

  • Co ovlivňuje hodnotu fotografie? Jaké jsou její prvky?

    Light, interest and composition.

  • Kdo může být podle vás symbolem 21. století?

    Anyone who puts the needs of others first.

  • Co chcete fotit?

    Barak Obama

  • S kým byste chtěli fotit?

    Christine Meintjies (Cape Town Photographer) and Ryan Parker

  • Čeho se bojíte a proč?

    I worry about pleasing the client, waiting for that "thank you" after I have delivered the photos. I worry that I may get the "thank you, we are happy with the photos BUT...." so far I haven't received that call :-)

  • Jaký byl nejpůsobivější okamžik ve vašem životě?

    Ignoring my fears of the opinions of people and doing the things that are on my heart to do.

  • Pokud byste byli animovaná, literární nebo filmová postava, kdo byste byli a proč?

    Simba the Lion ... he discovered the treasure that was within him.

  • Kdo vás inspiruje ve vašem životě a proč?

    My inspiration comes from my faith in Jesus Christ. I have discovered that life without him is no life at all.

  • Jak byste definovali úspěch? Jak ho měříte?

    Success is being brave enough to follow your heart, its measured by the satisfaction it brings to my life.

  • Byli byste raději oblíbení nebo respektovaní?

    Respected. Respect is earned, you can be liked today and unliked tomorrow. Respect however means your life has been watched and evaluated by those around you.

  • Jaká je největší chyba, kterou jste kdy v práci udělali?

    I posted images of a wedding on Facebook without permission of the client. The client was the mother of the groom. I paid back all the money. Hard lesson learnt but part of my growth. So now I work with a contract.

  • Když cestujete, co si berete s sebou a proč?

    My camera ... usually on my savour the moments I have been through. I take care however not to be too engrossed with taking photo after photo and missing out on just enjoying the moment within my soul and not through the lens only.

  • Existuje něco, co byste si byli raději nekoupili z vašich pomůcek, které vlastníte? A proč?

    No...I have been careful in my buying.

  • Jak se vzděláváte, abyste pořidili lepší fotografie?

    I follow photographers online, I attend workshops outside my country, and watch YouTube photographers that appeal to me.

  • Čí práce vás ovlivnila nejvíce jako fotografa?

    Christine Meintjies and Ryan Parker.

  • Jedna věc, kterou byste si přáli vědět, když jste začínali s focením?

    Shoot so that you don't spend too much time editing.

  • Co byste rádi řekli skrze vaše fotografie?

    Life is beautiful.

  • Co vás motivuje v dalším focení?

    The different people that I meet.

  • Měli vaši rodiče být méně nebo více přísní?

    Honestly my parents were perfect...they were strict but I could breathe.

  • Pokud byste se mohli vrátit v čase, co byste udělali jinak?

    I would follow my heart more.

  • Co o životě na ostatních planetách?

    None :-)

  • Kdo jsou vaši hrdinové?

    Nelson Mandela

  • Pro koho nemáte žádný respekt?

    Selfish people who have no respect for others.

  • Co děláte ve svém volném čase?

    I compose music.

  • Kdy jste zcela spokojeni s vaší prací?

    When I stop comparing it with others.

  • Věříte v tradiční role mužů a žen?

    Yes I do.

  • Získáváte snadno nové přátele?

    Too easily but have learnt to take time to really trust.

  • Kde byste rádi žili?


  • Existuje život po svatbě?

    Definitely yes. Its such a beautiful transition, married builds you, you learn to be less selfish.

  • Máte oblíbený vtip? Povězte nám ho.

    Rather my favourite line is ... "Ships are not made for the harbour"

  • Máte rádi psy a kočky?

    I like dogs.... they communicate more.

  • Koho nebo co nenávidíte?

    Cold coffee ...

  • Nejlepší věc v životě je:


  • Nejotravnější věc v životě je:

    A fly!

  • Existuje něco, co byste chtěli změnit?

    A cleaner community ... less litter on the roads.

  • Co byste chtěli změnit na sobě?

    I would like to be slow to judge people according to outward appearance.

  • Co byste chtěli změnit ve světě?

    People to put others first.

  • Máte nějaké tipy pro začínající fotografy?

    Learn from others but follow your instincts .

  • Kdyby přišli na naši planetu mimozemšťané a vy byste byli první osobou, se kterou se potkají, co byste jim řekli?

    Take me to your leader!

  • Pokud byste měli natočit film, jakého žánru by byl?

    True Story Drama

  • Zítra půjdu a udělám...

    a wedding in Paris!