
摄影师Joey Rudd



渥太华, 加拿大 PRO

在MyWed上6 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gk17lqlAnVvUX9kCz1qcvCccGjGlpg0uCCvP-e2Pvro80s4EzjjygfGfSODGUVhoiB70TLCzI79nqY_EtkzWygRcA1Z0MNEDPATlbg 渥太华, 加拿大 Joey Rudd +1 613-805-5639


  • 首先——您能否指出谁是来自渥太华, 加拿大的最优秀的摄影师?:)

    The best wedding photographer for your wedding is the one that you get along with best! Obviously, it is important that you like their style and photos, but most importantly you need to be able to trust your photographer. You spend a lot of time with your photographer on your wedding day so I encourage couples to find someone that they enjoy spending time with.

  • 您上相吗?

    My two year old daughter thinks I am.

  • 您是如何进入摄影行业的?

    It kind of just happened. It was a natural progression of taking photos personally to professionally.

  • 在您看来,一张好的照片最重要的组成部分有哪些?

    A good photo is one that tells a story. Couple's trust me to capture the essence of their day in still life and I see this as a very important (and enjoyable!) task. With the exceptions of some of my more creative and double exposure photographs, I endeavor to capture the colours and lighting of a day accurately so that it tells the story of the wedding in a way that the couple can remember it.

  • 您热爱旅行吗?

    Did someone say Iceland?

  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    There is something special about being invited to share in the most important day in a couple's life. Moreover, to be trusted to document it for them. I love to hear back from couples about how much they love their wedding photos.

  • 对于您的职业,您最不喜欢什么地方?

    The behind scenes of running a business. (Cough) Taxes.

  • 摄影的前景如何?

    I am always asking this and seeking to grow as an individual and as a business, but at the end of the day we can only guess. I look forward to the journey.

  • 您专长的摄影风格有什么特别?

    That each and every moment is so important and timeless. It goes by so fast for the bride and groom- that is where I come in.

  • 您如何应对批评?

    As with anything that you pour so much of your life into, it can be hard to hear criticism, but I try to learn and grow rather than build walls.

  • 摄影有什么趋势?

    There are always trends, editing styles, colours (or lack there of), airy, moody, etc. I try to stay true to the day itself rather than getting caught up in all of these. I am there to document the day after all.
    Although, as a signature, I do enjoy creating a few double exposures for each couple!

  • 客户选择摄影师时应该遵循什么标准?

    Trust. You need to be able to trust them as a person and as a professional.

  • 拍摄时绝不允许什么事情?

    Backing off docks in late October. Trust me, the water is colder when you are wearing two cameras. I always bring a change of clothes and, obviously, backup equipment for moments like this, but avoidance is always the best practice.

  • 有哪些摄影师可以捕捉的通常会被忽略的细节?

    I am always noticing (or anticipating) moments that are happening at an event. Reactions, emotions, accidents. As a photographer I also tend to see the world around me differently. I am always considering whether or not a specific place would make for an interesting background for photos. It can be hard to turn this off when I am not "on the job".

  • 什么影响照片的价值?它的元素有哪些?

    It can sometimes be surprising to learn what photographs from a day are a couples' favourites. Award winning photographs are not always the ones that are most important to a couple. The tearful hug of a grandparent can be significantly more beautiful than mountains.

  • 在您看来,什么人可以成为 21 世纪的代表人物?

    Jon Snow. #winteriscoming

  • 您想要为谁拍摄?

    I love taking photos of my daughters.

  • 您有职业禁忌吗?

    Cellphones. Why are they even at weddings?

  • 您想与谁一起拍摄?

    I love shooting with my wife Natalie, she is so talented and incredibly fun to have around. But, there are also so many other talented photographers that I would enjoy shooting with and learning from.

  • 您担心什么?为什么担心?

    With a consistent routine and sufficient backups there is little to worry about. Enjoy life!

  • 在生命中,给您印象最深的时刻是什么?

    When I got a standing ovation for a stand up routine in Minnesota... and I am not even funny.

  • 如果有机会成为一个动画、文学或电影人物,您想成为谁?为什么?

    Jack Pearson from This Is Us. But it's hard to live up that.

  • 在生命中谁鼓舞了您?为什么?

    So many other wedding photographers. There is so much talent and creativity out there to be inspired by.

  • 您如何定义成功?如何衡量它?

    If I can be a person that someone trusts whether that is a wedding couple or my family.

  • 您非常受人喜欢或尊敬吗?

    I would love to be both.

  • 您在工作中犯过的最大错误是什么?

    There have been little mistakes here and there, but I have always been grateful to learn from them for the future so that they don't become big mistakes down the road.

  • 当您准备去旅行时,要携带什么?为什么?

    A camera. Life goes too fast not to document it.

  • 您如何提高自己以拍摄出更好的照片?

    I am always trying new things. It keeps life interesting to experiment and grow as a photographer.

  • 您想对自己的照片说什么?

    I want my photographs to freeze a moment, capture emotion, and tell a story.

  • 您在业余时间会做什么?

    I love to water ski, snowboard, or just be all around active with my family.

  • 对于刚入行的摄影师,您能提供一些建议吗?

    Don't be afraid to ask questions.