
摄影师Shane O Neill



沃特福德, 爱尔兰 

在MyWed上10 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-sGsSIU8u_OR4cNzpncqDoTnL-qgZYq4A0GhRlM4UBsaFgrbEmTSwstIMQdDrFEOW4FcaZaf1biPveQNxhFeoDh_BPOip_wFU2NjCg 沃特福德, 爱尔兰 Shane O Neill +353 87 832 9950


  • 首先——您能否指出谁是来自沃特福德, 爱尔兰的最优秀的摄影师?:)

    Well, I can't tell you who the best is but all I can say is David Murphy is the most gorgeous!!

  • 您上相吗?

    Sometimes. Everybody has a relationship with their own image – or at least how they see themselves. As a photographer, I'm often staggered by how little most people actually like their appearnace.

  • 您是如何进入摄影行业的?

    When I was 10 I picked up a camera for the first time and before long I was helping out as an assistant. I went to DLCAD when I was 18, I managed a photo lab for 6 years, then in

  • 在您看来,一张好的照片最重要的组成部分有哪些?

    Personally, I love well-composed decisive moments. They are hard to get! i've had plenty of practice though ...

  • 您热爱旅行吗?

    Yes. Especialy in my own country of Ireland. The places my camera takes me ...

  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    Being creative. Personal freedom.

  • 对于您的职业,您最不喜欢什么地方?

    the hours! I always seem to underestimate how long things are going to take. It's just as well I like what I do.

  • 摄影的前景如何?

    Technology, I suppose. Capture devices will get smaller, quicker, better. We are in danger of being totally over-saturated. That's why I like to stick to the fundamentals of creating great images.

  • 您专长的摄影风格有什么特别?

    I mainly shoot documentary wedding photography. For me, it is special because it does not involve the input of the client and instead frees them up to be part of their day. images shot naturally tend to age well.

  • 您如何应对批评?

    it depends on the critic ;)

  • 客户选择摄影师时应该遵循什么标准?

    follow their heart

  • 拍摄时绝不允许什么事情?

    taking too long

  • 有哪些摄影师可以捕捉的通常会被忽略的细节?

    observation skills definitely improve the more I shoot. Anticipation, or seeing what is about to happen before it actually happens is a good one.

  • 什么影响照片的价值?它的元素有哪些?

    For me, the viewer places their own value on a photo.

  • 您想要为谁拍摄?

    Bungalows. I have an idea that is yet to bear fruit.

  • 您有职业禁忌吗?

    Lots. I have a strong sense of decorum, it prevents me from crossing even the most modest lines.

  • 您想与谁一起拍摄?

    Todd Hido

  • 您担心什么?为什么担心?

    Well, Covid-19 has takenover the world and shuttered the entire wedding industry for the foreseeable future. That gets me sometimes.

  • 在生命中,给您印象最深的时刻是什么?

    Witnessing the birth of both of my children.

  • 您非常受人喜欢或尊敬吗?

    Liked. I know. I know.

  • 您在工作中犯过的最大错误是什么?

    While shooting a wedding in Charlottesville, I booked a hotel on Charlotte and proceeded to drive there. Until I realised I forgot the "ville" at the end!

  • 当您准备去旅行时,要携带什么?为什么?

    one camera and one lens only. The last time I went to Italy I took my Nikon D750 and a 500mm lens. Before that, it was a Fuji x100s, one of my all-time-favourite cameras

  • 在您拥有的器材中,是否有一些是您后悔购买的?为什么?

    I guess if I was to *really analyse everything I ever bought you could make a case as to whether it was essential. I bought a NAS box once, never really used it.

  • 您如何提高自己以拍摄出更好的照片?

    Shoot. Then shoot some more. There are certain things you can only learn by constantly doing it.

  • 谁的作品对您作为摄影师的影响最大?

    Martin Parr showed my what was possible. Nothing is impossible,

  • 开始拍摄时,您最想知道什么?

    the 50mm lens is better than you think!(I was a wide angle nut)

  • 您想对自己的照片说什么?

    I say what I see. its that simple really

  • 什么激励您继续拍摄下去?

    it's a strong part of my identity. I don't know what else to do!

  • 您的父母是否应该更严厉或变得温和一点呢?

    my parents were perfect. They got the balance really well.

  • 如果能够回到过去,您会有什么不同的举动?

    Nothing. Why change??!

  • 对于其他星球上的生命,您有何看法?

    statistically its quite likely

  • 您在业余时间会做什么?

    eh .... photography. Like i said, it takes up a lot of time!I do love food. And movies if and when I get the chance to watch them.

  • 公众从不会看到您的哪一面?

    Family life. I keep the best part all to myself!

  • 什么时候您对自己的作品完全满意?

    No. Never. I'm always chasing that rainbow.

  • 您主张男人和女人的传统角色吗?


  • 您很容易就会交到朋友吗?


  • 您想生活在什么地方?

    I have this discussion regularly and the answer is always the same: there is nowhere I'd rather live that Waterford, Ireland. We have everything here.

  • 结婚之后生活的质量高吗?

    Life improves after marriage.

  • 您有最喜欢的玩笑吗?请告诉我们。

    Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field.

  • 您喜欢狗还是喜欢猫?

    Dogs mainly. Some cats are really sound.

  • 您讨厌谁,或者厌恶什么?


  • 生活中最美好的事情是:

    my wife and children

  • 生活中最让人烦心的事情是:

    my wife and children

  • 您是否想改变周围的一些事情?

    not a thing

  • 您希望改变自己的哪些方面?

    I sometimes get these states of inertia – especially when it comes to big projects. I wish i could get sh1t done!

  • 对于刚入行的摄影师,您能提供一些建议吗?

    make mistakes. learn from them.

  • 如果您被邀请去拍一部电影,您希望是什么流派?


  • 明天我会去做...

    the beach with my kids.