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Jurufoto Trung Dinh


Terakhir dilihat 6 hari lepas

Da Nang, Vietnam PRO

9 tahun di MyWed
Saya boleh bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/G-sXPZJGLWQgycEv279hiOcoB8pnQsbqll1aXw2LeChuY1lFzoT6dBoyXY4LUurFIBz5hR9xTnrwo8Wy5vDdMQd8ZNsAE8RLpYX1 Da Nang, Vietnam Trung Dinh +84 90 555 49 88


  • Adakah anda seorang yang fotogenik?

    Yes, I think so.

  • Bagaimanakah anda mula menceburkan diri dalam industri fotografi?

    I have started learning Photography by myself since 2010 and from that moment, photography has played an essential role of my life. I have recognized that photography turned from a daily hobby into an inner passion, it is just like a flame of desire to be great in my passion, to work everyday with a camera.

  • Apakah komponen paling penting sekeping foto yang bagus menurut pendapat anda?

    There are 3 important components of a good photo in my opinion:
    - Subject
    - Moment
    - Emotional impact

  • Adakah anda minat mengembara?

    I love traveling so much and photograph take me somewhere I’ve never been before.

  • Apakah yang paling anda sukai mengenai kerjaya anda?

    Photography help me remember someone who has passed away, help me learn more about myself and lets me express myself.

  • Apakah yang istimewa dalam genre fotografi yang anda sedang mengkhusus?

    Wedding photography is a fantastic story-telling medium with a series photos and it can make others people feel the emotion.

  • Bagaimanakah cara anda menangani kritikan?

    In my opinion, keep quite and asserting myself are always the best choices in this case.

  • Adakah wujud sebarang trend dalam fotografi?

    Yes they’re, and it's changing every years.

  • Apakah sepatutnya menjadi kriteria untuk seorang pelanggan memilih jurufoto?

    Choose a photographer who they feel trust and want to work with. Trust makes comfortable, comfortable makes adorable photos.

  • Apakah perkara yang patut dielakkan semasa penggambaran?

    Distracted in my opinion.

  • Apakah perincian yang selalunya terlepas tanpa disedari namun boleh disedari oleh seorang jurufoto?

    Wedding photographer totally can do that, it’s our job.

  • Apakah yang boleh mempengaruhi nilai sekeping foto? Apakah elemen nilai itu?

    The value of photo is which one that don't make a photograph just with a camera. They have to bring to the act of photography all the pictures they have seen, the books they have read, the music they have heard, the people they have loved.

  • Siapakah individu yang boleh menjadi simbol abad ke-21 menurut pendapat anda?

    Intelligent and creative.

  • Siapakah yang mahu anda rakamkan dalam foto?

    People in love.

  • Adakah anda ada sebarang tabu profesional?

    Yes I have one, that is just capture an appearance, not a feeling.

  • Apakah detik paling mengesankan dalam hidup anda?

    It is the first time I looked into the eyes of my baby boy, about 20 mins after he was born, and he wrapped her fingers around my pinkie and I held his tiny cute feet. That was also the first beautiful moment of him that I captured.

  • Siapakah yang menjadi sumber inspirasi hidup anda dan mengapa?

    I am inspired most by my parents. The reason for this are quite obvious. I observed them and knew them ever since I was born, they took special care to inculcate in me skills, habits and ideas, that I have found very useful in my later life.

  • Bagaimanakah anda mentakrifkan kejayaan? Bagaimanakah anda mengukurnya?

    In my opinion, we succeed when to be joyful in our job and do it with 100% passion. How do I measure it? That is when I feel satisfied and happy in my work.

  • Mana satu yang lebih penting bagi anda, disukai atau dihormati?

    I would rather be liked first, being liked by people means you are a good person and you have good personality traits.

  • Apabila anda pergi mengembara, apakah yang anda bawa bersama anda dan mengapa?

    Who doesn’t pack a camera with them on a trip? The more you practice and learn about photography, the better you will be able to document your adventure.

  • Bagaimanakah anda meningkatkan diri untuk merakam gambar yang lebih baik?

    Enjoy the work of other photographers is the best way to educate myself. Learning more gives more enjoyment.

  • Hasil kerja siapakah yang paling mempengaruhi anda sebagai jurufoto?

    Jonas Peterson

  • Apakah yang memotivasikan anda untuk terus mengambil gambar?

    Taking photos help me get close to what I'm interested in. Photography is a fantastic gateway into anything else I love.

  • Apakah yang anda lakukan pada masa lapang?

    Go around with my gangs and the camera on daytime and listen to music or watch a movie on nighttime.

  • Apakah sisi diri anda yang tidak pernah diketahui umum?

    I'm living quite closed and have a lots of secret.

  • Bilakah anda akan benar-benar berpuas hati dengan kerja anda?

    When I feel my work can make orthers happy. Photography can spread a lot of joy. That awesome.

  • Adakah anda mudah berkawan?

    Yes of course, I’m friendly and have a little bit talkative, easy to make friends.

  • Anda suka anjing atau kucing?

    I'm in love with both of them.

  • Perkara terbaik dalam hidup ialah:


  • Perkara paling menjengkelkan dalam hidup ialah:

    Can’t do what we want to do.

  • Jika makhluk asing datang ke Bumi dan anda ialah orang pertama yang mereka temui, apakah yang akan anda beritahu kepada mereka?

    Are you married, sir?

  • Esok saya akan pergi dan melakukan...

    Do anything what I intend to do.