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Fotografo Fernando Cerrone


Ultimo accesso 2 settimane fa

Ravello, Italia PRO

Photographer specialized in weddings and couple sessions, photography master and FEP judge, Federation of European Photographers. FEP Photographer of the Year in the wedding category. I live and work near the Amalfi coast and Ravello.

Da 10 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano, inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/lM4pQLUHuaiYoTEm6t0j4GRjqtZL-bIYHO78Ed2jLRvhhbno9AT7fdXHftCFjnEqHyGh6gHl0Pschm_pHbW00LmHuVj-qPG8sSI- Ravello, Italia Fernando Cerrone +39 338 297 9615
Servizio di matrimonio: 15 750 PHP l'ora
minimo 3 ore