Wedding photographers in Imus

One of the most popular destinations for wedding photography in the Philippines is the city of Imus. If you are looking for a professional photographer in Imus, look no further.
Making the experience of a wedding effortless, photographers can make the day run smoothly by guaranteeing that the most important moments are captured for you to remember. Generating the best images in the beautiful town, each photographer is able to travel to chosen wedding locations or even work in a photography studio.
A popular location for a wedding photographer to suggest is the Imus Cathedral for an elegant and traditional theme, or the picturesque Imus Plaza, creating an atmosphere in any photoshoot. more
  • Photographer's speciality
    • Wedding2
    • Couples0
    • Maternity0
    • Newborn0
    • Kids0
    • Family0
    • Portrait0
  • Charge per hour
    0 17 000  JPY

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